Fall Protection: Fed-OSHA Ups the Ante

Fed-OSHA responds to the recent revisions to Cal/OSHA’s residential fall protection standard. Is it yea or nea on a compromise between the Feds’ stance and industry’s pushback?

Board Denies Variance on Tunnel Hoists

Why did the Cal/OSHA Standards Board deny a variance to a construction contractor working on the Los Angeles subway system for automated personnel hoists? The answer is a gas.

Legislative Update

Here is the status of OSH bills in the state legislature.

Workplace Fatality Update

Here are the latest fatal workplace incidents from around California.

Rules & Penalties Coming on “Egregious” Violators

New rules proposed by the Department of Industrial Relations could significantly ratchet up penalties for employers with multiple locations. Here are the proposed new regulations and how you can weigh in on them.

New VPP, SHARP, Golden Gate Participants

More employers have qualified under Cal/OSHA’s safety recognition programs. Here are the latest to be feted for safety in the workplace.

Charges Resolved in Beekeeper’s Death

A beekeeper is killed in a machine encounter, and his employers are charged with felonies in a case involving willful violations. Here is how the case concluded in Marin County Superior Court.

Harwood Grants Available

Fed-OSHA is making available almost $13 million in safety and health training grants. Here’s how California em-ployers and other organizations can apply.

Compromise on Crane Recertification Controversy?

A crane operator certification organization says Cal/OSHA’s rules for recertification are too strict. Some operating engineers agree, while others say the current regulations ensure safety. Now the Cal/OSHA Standards Board is weighing in with proposed changes that could constitute a compromise. Here are the details.

13 More Fatalities in California

Here are the latest fatal workplace incidents from around California in late June and early July.

Indoor Heat Standard Finally Adopted

More than seven years after it was mandated by a state law, Cal/OSHA has finally adopted an indoor heat illness regulation. Here’s what it will require employers to do, how soon it could take effect and what stakeholders are saying about it.

‘Expedited’ Rulemaking on PSM

Cal/OSHA agrees to move ahead with a regulatory change to make renewable fuel refineries subject to the same standards as oil facilities. But will it be an emergency regulation? Click here for the latest on this development based on a recent tragedy.

Toxicity: Stone Silica vs. Natural Stone

The breathable silica from manufactured stone for countertops takes a more hazardous shape than other silica, a Cal/OSHA official says. Click here to read why, and what stakeholders think about proposed permanent changes to the state’s silica standard.

Skepticism on Narcan Petition

Cal/OSHA's Standards Board has an adult in the room. What will ultimately come of a petition requiring Narcan to be in all employers' first-aid kits? How is the legislature involved?

6 More Workplace Fatalities

The latest fatals are outlined here.

Smoke Gets in Our Skies

The wildfire season has started in full swing, with blazes up and down the state. Here's what you need to know if these blazes make the air quality unhealthy. We also provide links to a website that updates air quality hourly.

More Amazon Warehouse Troubles

Is Amazon's "peer-to-peer" quota system violating laws intended to curb warehouse quota abuse? The California Labor Commissioner thinks so and has proposed a huge fine.

Helen Cleary: From Planes to Policy

From aviation to high tech, Helen Cleary has made a career out of translating often head-scratching safety regulations into practical policy. Here’s her journey and what’s next for this policy expert.

Cal/OSHA Cites in Fatality Cases

Here are some of the latest fatality cases recently brought against employers by Cal/OSHA.

Workplace Fatality Update

Here are the latest fatal workplace incidents from around California in recent days.

Angry Governor Restructures the Standards Board

Following a controversial vote on indoor heat and critical comments, two Cal/OSHA Standards Board members face gubernatorial blowback. Here’s how the Board has been shaken up.

Narcan Petition Coming to a Vote

Cal/OSHA agrees that having drugs such as Narcon on worksites to reverse overdoses is a good idea. But should all worksites be required to carry it? And are first aid kits the best way to store them? Here is what Cal/OSHA is weighing and how they propose dealing with the issue.

Latest Golden Gate Recipients

Two more employers have sites been awarded recognition in the Golden Gate Partnership Program by Cal/OSHA for their efforts to promote workplace safety. Who are they? Find out here …

Cal/OSHA Fatality Cases Resolved

Here are the results of several Cal/OSHA fatality cases from recent years after the agency and em-ployers reviewed the evidence.

Workplace Fatality Update

Here are the latest fatal incidents from recent weeks at California workplaces and what is known about them.

What’s the Right Rule on Chipper Safety?

Nine years after a tree trimmer first approached Cal/OSHA about requiring “passive” safety devices on brush chippers; stakeholders are still debating the best way to promote safety on these dangerous devices. Here’s how far talks have progressed.

Fed-OSHA Updates Hazcom Reg

Fed-OSHA says its version of the Globally Harmonized System of hazard communication needs to be updated, based on changes from a decade-old version. Here’s what the revision does, and what it means for Cal/OSHA.

Cal/OSHA Citations Following Fatalities

Fatal incidents have Cal/OSHA consequences. Here are the actions the agency took against employers in fall 2023 cases,

Final Cal/OSHA Inspection Stats for 2023

Cal/OSHA investigations were the highest last year since 2016, but alleged violations were down more than 10%. Both results continue an ongoing trend spurred by recent events.

Citations, Legislation in Renewables Incident

Cal/OSHA is getting closer to a rulemaking decision addressing process safety management for non-petroleum refineries. At the same time, the enforcement branch is acting against a renewable fuels refinery that suffered a tragic accident last fall. Meanwhile, a union also got the state legislature to weigh in on the issue.

Legislative Update

There are several bills of interest to occupational safety and health still active in the California Legislature. Here is what they are and the key changes to the most significant of the bills.

Workplace Fatality Update

Here are the latest fatal workplace incidents in California from recent weeks, including three that might have heat illness implications.
Safety Manager Profile

Cassie Hilaski: At Home in the Field

A well-respective construction safety manager started her career without intending to make that her profession. Here’s Cassie Hilaski’s safety journey and what she’s learned.

Petition Seeks Greater Gate Safety

Workers, school children, and tourists have been killed by horizontal and swinging gates. Here’s what the parents of one such child and a Cal/OSHA Standards Board member are proposing to do about this problem.

Silica ETS Readopted

Cal/OSHA has updated its emergency silica standard with some changes. Here are the changes, what people said about the issue at the recent Standards Board meeting, and what happens next.