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Quote of the day

“It is clear … that the Division’s FAQs are not in alignment with recent federal OSHA guidance.”
Elizabeth Treanor of the Phylmar Regulatory Roundtable on Cal/OSHA guidance regarding the recordability of COVID cases in the workplace.”
Go to the full story in Cal-OSHA Reporter

Appeals Board Goes to Video Hearings
Cal/OSHA’s quasi-judicial body meets 21st-century technology as the pandemic makes in-person hearings impossible.

Is COVID-19 Recordability Not a Function of Positive Testing?
California employers are up in arms and angry that the Cal/OSHA’s guidance about when and how to record cases of COVID-19 – report even if there is not a positive test – runs counter to federal guidelines. They say the state has little leeway but to comport to the Feds. Meanwhile, workers’ comp claims require a positive test. Here’s what this latest controversy is all about.

The Costs of Fatal Mistakes
Rookie mistakes and inattention to detail cost employees their lives on a regular basis. Here are the results of some recent Cal/OSHA workplace fatality investigations and what they teach us.

Workplace Fatality Update
Cal/OSHA’s latest fatality toll includes almost a score of COVID-related deaths. Here’s the latest report.