Tagged in: COVID
More Injury and Illness Data
California workplace injury and illness data for 2021 shows slightly higher metrics over 2020 for all employment sectors. Private industry showed a slight decrease. Here are additional and more detailed statistics from the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, including the highest recordable incident rates, the percentage of cases that resulted in days away from …
Board Demands Exclusion Pay In New Covid Standard
For months, labor has criticized the decision by Cal/OSHA’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health to drop “exclusion pay” from the non-emergency version of the COVID prevention standard. Its advocacy has paid off. During the Standards Board’s October meeting in San Diego, several members of the Board, including Chair David Thomas, forcefully urged DOSH to …
COVID Rule Changes
The Cal/OSHA Standards Board has revised its “non-emergency” COVID proposal to revise the definition of “close contact” in keeping with California Department of Public Health changes. It also has made revisions based on stakeholder comments. The Board is accepting public comments on the modifications until October 31st. That despite the public having stopped wearing masks …
Court Rules on Video Hearings
The Cal/OSHA Appeals Board did not violate the Administrative Procedure Act in invoking the state Government Code when it instituted mandatory teleconferenced appeals hearings during the COVID emergency, so ruled a Sacramento County Superior Court. The ruling denies an injunction against the Board on video hearings and decisively backs the semi-judicial body’s authority to act. …
COVID Reg Hearing Comments
This week, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board held a public hearing on the non-emergency version of the COVID regulation, General Industry Safety Orders §3205. The hearing and regulation come now post-pandemic when the disease has become endemic, and while few who catch it suffer serious injury. It has essentially become another flu, according to medical doctors …
‘Close Contact’ = More Cases?
With a revised definition of “close contact” for potential COVID exposure in the workplace, Cal/OSHA’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health is cautioning employers to pay attention to the change and the potential for more COVID cases. The revision could significantly increase those considered close contacts, according to David Wesley, assistant deputy chief for enforcement …