Standing Tall Against Falls

Next week, May 6th to 10th, is National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. Construction employers in California and across the country will take a few minutes to stop work to reinforce the message that falls can kill and injure and to remember that prevention is the key. Falls are one of the most … Read More »

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Cal/OSHA’s “Path Forward” on Indoor Heat

Anticipating the state Office of Administrative Law’s rejection of the indoor heat illness rule, Cal/OSHA intends to quickly create a carveout for correctional facilities so that the California Department of Finance will sign off on the financial impact statement. The plan is to have the regulation in place in time for summer for all other … Read More »

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“Walkaround” Rules Coming

On May 31st, Fed-OSHA’s rules regarding employee representation during OSHA inspections will go into effect for most of the country. The so-called “walkaround” rule will ultimately come to California. Fed-OSHA says a regulatory change is to ensure “necessary information about worksite conditions and hazards.” But one attorney representing employers calls it a “thank you” to … Read More »

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Fit-Test Proposal Found Fit

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board received no comments, yea or nea, on its proposal to adopt updated Fed-OSHA standards on quantitative fit testing. The quiet public hearing on March 21st means that the proposal is on track for adoption. The Board has scheduled a vote for July 18th. Fed-OSHA adopted the revisions in 2019 and Cal/OSHA … Read More »

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