Fall Protection: Fed-OSHA Ups the Ante

Fed-OSHA and California’s residential construction industry remain at odds over the Feds’ insistence on a strict six-foot trigger height for fall protection. The latest salvos come in response to the Cal/OSHA Standards Board’s recent 15-day notice of modifications to its proposal that would revise the longstanding residential rules. The new Fed-OSHA Oakland area director says … Read More »

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Board Denies Variance on Tunnel Hoists

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board denied a variance and is requiring the general contractor for a Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority expansion project to use Title 8-compliant procedures for construction personnel hoists (CPHs) in tunnel access shafts. The reason, it says, is that the Board fears the variance sought by Tutor Perini/O&G Joint Venture could lead … Read More »

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‘Expedited’ Rulemaking on PSM

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board has approved “expedited” rulemaking to address what petitioners call a loophole in Title 8 regulations. Petitioners say it has led to one horrific incident and could lead to a disaster. But there is still controversy about the issues. If adopted, the new rules will affect only California’s five renewable fuel facilities. … Read More »

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Skepticism on Narcan Petition

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board voted to essentially put off a petition requiring “opioid antagonists”—read Narcon—in first-aid kits that every California employer must have. It sent the idea to an advisory committee. Members and stakeholders have serious qualms about the idea, and there seems to be little likelihood that the Board will make any regulatory change … Read More »

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Indoor Heat Rule Done

For the second time in three months, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board has adopted a rule to protect indoor workers from heat illness. In contrast to the controversial and ultimately rejected … Read More »

Angry Governor Restructures the Standards Board

Following a defiant March vote on the indoor heat illness standard despite a direction from the Governor’s office to table the matter over last-minute cost concerns, Cal/OSHA Standards Board Chairman Dave Thomas told Cal-OSHA Reporter, “I don’t know if we’re going to be here next month.” It’s taken three months, but the other shoe has … Read More »

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