Flash Report: Indoor Heat Regulation Is Out

As expected, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board has finally published the official version of the indoor heat illness prevention standard.  

The proposal has entered its 45-day comment period.  There will be a public hearing on May 18th in San Diego. 

The regulation was mandated by SB 1167 in 2016, and required to be completed by January 2019. DOSH didn’t meet that deadline but said the progress it had made at the time complied with the spirit of the law. The COVID pandemic delayed the proposal further.  

The regulation will apply to indoor workplaces where the temperature is at least 82°F.  

Employers subject to the standard will be required to establish, implement and maintain an effective heat illness prevention plan, including the provision of water, shade, acclimation for newly assigned employees, emergency response procedures, and control measures to minimize the risk of heat illness. 

Indoor work areas with temperatures of at least 87°F have additional requirements. 

“The proposal will ensure that employers with indoor places of employment will take preventive steps” to ensure employees are protected, the Board says.   


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